
Difficulty: MEDIUM

Special Menu: Tour of Asia

2 T oil
2 medium onions
2 ½ c chopped white mushrooms
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 c shredded cabbage
2 T pickle juice
2 bay leaves
½ t ground black pepper
2 t paprika
6 c water
3 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 large pickles, chopped
8 black olives pitted and sliced
8 green olives pitted and sliced
1/4 c tomato paste
salt to taste

lemon slices
dill, parsley
tofutti sour cream

Heat oil in a large soup pot
saute onion until golden, then add mushrooms, cabbage, garlic and pickle juice.
saute until liquid is mostly evaporated, then add spices and sizzle until fragrant.
add water, potatoes, pickles and olives, and tomato paste and bring to a boil.
boil for 20 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.
Season with salt if needed and garnish.

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