Sweet Potato Cakes + Roasted Broccoli

Difficulty: MEDIUM

Sweet Potato Cakes
2 medium sweet potatoes
1/4 c black beans
1 T fresh chives, chopped
1 t cumin
1 T flour, or more
Salt and pepper
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed
Oil for frying

Microwave sweet potatoes until soft, about 7 minutes if placed in together.
Peel off skin and mash in a bowl with a fork.
Add beans, chives, cumin, salt and pepper, Ana enough flour to allow soft patties to be formed. taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
Heat thin layer of frying oil in skillet.
Form sweet potato mixture into patties, and coat with cracker crumbs.
Fry for several minutes on each side, until golden brown.

Roasted Broccoli
1 lb fresh or frozen broccoli
olive oil to drizzle
Trader Joe's Everyday seasoning (or other favorite seasoning)
Penzey's Mural of Flavor (or other favorite seasoning mix)
salt and fresh ground pepper

preheat 400
spread broc on foil lined cookie sheet, drizzle with oil.
generously sprinkle with herbs and spices, toss.
roast for 10 minutes, stir, then continue to roast until tasty brown edges appear.

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