Vietnamese Lettuce Wraps


NOTE: This recipe requires overnight cashew soaking and tofu marinating.

Smokey Tofu
1 pkg tofu, well squeezed/drained, sliced thinly
6 T tamari
3 T maple syrup
1/4 t garlic powder
8-10 drops liquid smoke
1/4 t paprika
1 T nutritional yeast

place well dried tofu slices in a shallow dish and marinate overnight.

preheat 400
line pan very tighly with foil and hit it with some cooking spray. arrange tofu slices in single layer. Cut little slits in tofu and pour any remaining marinade over.
bake for 20-30 minutes, flipping once midway until tofu gets golden and firms up.

Daikon Carrot Quick Pickle
1 daikon radish, julienned
large handful matchstick carrots
1/4 c rice wine vinegar
2 T sugar
1 t salt
pepper to taste

combine all ingredients and refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.

Chili Ginger Cashew Cream*
1 c cashews, soaked overnight
1 handful fresh cilantro
1 garlic clove
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Pinch of salt
1 t red chili paste
1/2 t lemongrass pulp
1/4 t ginger

*If you have Cashew Cream leftover from Nutty Pate Night, just add chopped cilantro, red chili paste, ginger, and lemongrass to it and stir.
If starting from scratch, whir all in food processor whilst slowly adding water until desired thickness and smoothness is reached.

Lettuce Wraps - ASSEMBLE!
6-8 full butter lettuce leaves
daikon carrot quick pickle
2 slices smokey tofu
cucumber, peeled and sliced into sticks
chili ginger cashew cream
fresh cilantro
fresh sweet corn

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