Meetball Subs + Peppers & Onions + Arugula

Difficulty: EASY PETE

3 Hoagie Rolls/Buns
1 pkg gardein veggie meetballs
1/2 jar pizza sauce or marinara

1 T olive oil
1/2 yellow pepper, sliced
1/2 red pepper, sliced
1 onion, sliced
salt and pepper

dried oregano
mozzarella cheeze shreds

in a saucepan, place meetballs and sauce, warm over medium low heat, covered.

heat oil over high heat and toss in peppers and onions. Don't stir them too much to avoid overcooking, but you want golden brown town to show up. Once golden around edges, season with salt and pepper and remove from heat.

slice hoagie buns, fill generously with meatballs, peppers and onions, arugula and cheeze. sprinkle with oregano and crushed red pepper.

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